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Autumn wreath - how to tie your own wreath

When the season changes and it starts to get darker outside, we like to decorate! A perfect decoration for autumn is to make your own door wreath to bring in a cozy atmosphere.

Tie an autumn wreath that you can hang on your door! Be creative and fill it with everything that belongs to autumn, e.g. heather, rowan berries, leaves, pine cones and ornamental apples!

How do you tie an autumn wreath?

You need

To make an autumn wreath, you need a stem of straw, myrtle wire, flowers and plants to taste, and ribbon to hang it with. Keep in mind that the less garland and more flowers you use, the plumper the result. It can therefore be worthwhile to choose a size for the straw wreath that is not too small.

Straw wreath base

Choose flowers

For this wreath, we have chosen to use eucalyptus, thistles and leaves that have been picked outside, because they give a great and lush look and become very nice when they dry! You can also use: heather, ornamental apples, rose hips, rowan berries, grass, dried ferns, ivy, lagurus, lamb's ear, limonium, scabiosa seed pods, various types of leaves, cones, maple leaves.
Before you start adding the flowers, you can cut the stem so that it is approx. 5 cm long. Then they become easier to work with and do not stick out of the wreath.

foliage on a table

This is how you start tying the autumn wreath

Start by lashing the myrtle thread to the end of the straw stem to secure the end. Take some flowers and place them against the stem of straw, and wrap the thread 2-3 times around the stems. Then add new flowers and fasten them. Remember to tighten the thread well, so that the flowers don't fall off when they dry!

Woman attaching foliage to wreath

Fasten the thread

Do this until the whole wreath is full of flowers! Secure the thread by wrapping it several times around the wreath. Try to pry it in between some flowers so it can't be seen. Then you get a professional result, just as if a flower decorator had done it!

foliage being added to a wreath

Finished result

Finish with an optional ribbon so you can hang the wreath on your door. We have chosen to use a wide silk ribbon, but choose for yourself based on what suits your home. You can be creative and use silk ribbon, lace, natural thread, velvet etc.

finished wreath

Then hang up the door wreath and leave it hanging all autumn to get in the mood!

wreath on a blue door