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Spring planting - this is how you succeed

When the snow melts and the first rays of spring sun warm the soil, the time has finally come to plant the spring flowers. How to succeed with spring planting.

During the day, nature prepares to become green and covered with flowers. At the same time, it is still cool at night. Then you can plant crocuses, pansies and daffodils. These are spring flowers that can withstand the cold when spring is delayed. Here you will get tips and inspiration on how to be successful with spring planting.

How to succeed with spring planting

Purple potted plants

5 tips - how to succeed with spring planting in pots

  1. Fill the pot with approx. half a deciliter of lecacules.
  2. Then fill the pot with soil
  3. Plant your spring flowers and add soil between the plants
  4. Water well and set them out
  5. Continuously pinch off wilted flowers. Give them a little splash of water now and then, and they will bloom longer.

Plant beautiful spring flowers

What do you want the result of the spring planting to look like? Create a rich spring combination with flowers in the same hue, or choose contrasting colors that highlight each other.

The material the pots and boxes are made of is also an important part of the end result. Classic terracotta pots create an atmosphere of their own, while zinc flower boxes give a different effect. Check the stall to see which pots and boxes you have at home.

Decorate the plants with twigs you find in the garden. You are welcome to use stones and bark as filler between the flowers. Maybe you can also decorate with eggs for Easter?


a hand touching some flowers
arrangements of planted flowers

Spring flowers and care tips

There are many beautiful spring flowers that you can plant with. Below we list our seasonal favourites.




This spring flower has become one of our surest signs of spring, and the yellow color makes it a perfect match for Easter. Daffodils are very resistant, and can withstand both freezing temperatures and snow.

Care tips: Place the pot in a cool place and avoid direct sunlight. Water carefully around the onion and be careful not to overwater.

Pearl flower

Pearl flower

When you smell the delicious pearl flower, you can be sure that spring is on its way. With its beautiful blue flowers, it becomes a natural feature when we plant in the spring.

Care tips: Place it in a sunny place and water regularly.



Crocus is one of the first plants to flower each year, and it likes to pop out while there is still snow on the ground.

Care tips: Water the crocus sparingly and place it in a cool place.



The primula comes in several color combinations and is a real splash of color among your spring flowers.

Care tips: Put the flower in a sunny place and water every other day so that the soil stays moist.



Daisy is a lovely little flower that comes in white as well as different shades of red and pink. The small yellow "button" in the middle lights up to compete with the sun on beautiful spring days.

Care tip: Daisies thrive best in well-drained soil, and you can advantageously give them a weak mixture of water and plant nutrients when you water. Divide the plant if necessary.



It looks fragile, but just like the daffodil, the pansy can withstand a frosty night outdoors. This is one of our most popular spring flowers, which comes in several different colors and shapes.

Care tips: It is important not to let the pansy dry completely. Therefore, please plant them in larger boxes so that the soil does not dry out so quickly. Pinch off wilted flowers, so the plant blooms longer.