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Set a magical party table

One of the most fun things about the season we're in now, whether it's a Christmas party or other festivities, is setting the table. This year we have been inspired by the Forest Fantastic trend, which is about using what we find in the nature around us - pine cones, moss, fir bark. Then we add some light, some succulents, some cut flowers... We promise delicious!

Create a frame

We cover the long table. So we use thin birch logs to frame the table decoration. To protect the table, we put cellophane over the tablecloth. If you do not have the opportunity to obtain birch logs, you can of course use unplaned planks or stones with a nice shape. If your table is round, you can still use the same principles and make a round decoration in the middle of the table.

long winter themed table display

Think texture

Use moss, bar and pine cones. If you add succulents, such as echeveria, your table decoration gets an exciting, sculptural feel.

Nærbilde av en vinterinspirert borddekorasjon

It should smell good

In our decoration we have used swivels. It smells lovely - just keep in mind that the scent is very strong. Therefore, it is good if they have not burst out completely. And if they do, make sure you don't use too many. You can supplement with carnations and roses. In the film below, Fia, our house decorator, gives tips on how to ensure that the cut flowers stay fresh until the party is over.

rose pinecone and hydrangea

Lys bidrar til stemningen

Har du lagt merke til at vi har holdt borddekorasjonen lav. Det gjør at gjestene ser hverandre godt og den gode samtalen forstyrres ikke av høy pynt. Dekorasjonen din blir et vakkert blikkfang. En lenke med varmt lys bidrar til god atmosfære rundt bordet, og du behøver ikke være redd for brannfaren med lysdekorasjoner. Smart, ikke sant?

close up of table decor with fairy lights

A party table inspired by the beauty of the forest

The flowers on the table do not have to be in vases at all. Here, Fia has made a different party table with materials from nature.

Florist Fia basket of decorations

The New Year's table

Are you going to set the party table for the New Year? Use the same principle as above. Here we have created an oasis decoration. Surely it looks sumptuous?! Keep in mind that if you use large flowers that fill well, you don't need to use as many. Then fancy dress doesn't have to be synonymous with deer.

Large purple table decoration