OFFER! Selected bouquets - delivery to Greater Oslo


Decorate the summer table - flower tips and ideas

This summer we set the table with beautiful flowers. Impress your guests with creative and simple floral arrangements. This is how you succeed with the summer table.

Weddings, seventeenth of May, midsummer and birthdays. Summer is full of wonderful parties. Create a wonderful atmosphere at the summer party with beautiful flowers and creative decorations.

Flower table in summer - this is how you succeed

single flower on top of a set of plates

Flowers in a linen napkin

Spice up the linen napkins with beautiful flowers. Use napkin rings, or tie a beautiful string around the napkin. Then stick one or two flowers underneath. Let each guest have their own unique flower, or follow the party's color theme.


Flower garlands

Make a beautiful flower garland. Select some beautiful flowers and cut the stem so that it is approx. 5 cm long. Then measure wire to the length you want the garland to be. Wrap floral tape around the steel wire so that the flowers stick better. Take a few flowers at a time and fasten them with myrtle thread. Let the garland wind over the entire table.


flowers on a table with candles and a glass of drink
flowers arranged in vases

Small glass vases

Collect many different small glass vases and glass containers. You are sure to find beautiful, small vases at the flea market. Place the vases across the table with small mini bouquets in each. This gives a real wow effect.

Champagne cooler with flowers

Are you going to serve lemonade or something else with bubbles at the party? Get out the biggest champagne cooler you have and fill it with ice and water. Then take a bunch of flowers and cut off the stems. Let the flowers float around together with the ice cubes.


Bottle of drink mixed in a bowl with flowers
Two red roses being arranged on a napkin

Match drinks and flowers

Match the flower color on the summer table with the drink served. This gives a lovely effect that is sure to impress your guests.


Are you going to a summer party?

Are you invited to a wonderful summer party this summer? Don't forget to bring a gift for the host. Stick a beautiful flower under the gift ribbon, and the gift will immediately have a festive summer feel.


Short stem white rose