OFFER! Selected bouquets - delivery to Greater Oslo


Discover our beautiful flower box

Send a flowery gift box to someone you appreciate or treat yourself to a flower box. Everyone is happy when they receive flowers delivered in beautiful packaging.


A new way to send flowers.

It is a very special feeling to receive a beautiful box filled with flowers on your doorstep.

With a flower box, you get the flowers safely delivered right to your door. And the best thing is that you don't have to be at home to receive the bouquet. Think what a wonderful surprise it is to come home to a beautiful flower box waiting for you.

Each week there are several varieties of flower box to choose from. In the assortment, you will always find affordable bouquets with the season's most beautiful flowers.



Order your flower box

A wrapped bouquet presented in a cardboard box
A wreath with pink flowers on top of a Euroflorist cardboard box

Environmentally friendly box

The flowers are delivered in a box that can be both reused and recycled. Use it as storage or fill it with newspapers that go to the recycling centre. It is also FSC-labelled, meaning that it comes from sustainable forestry.

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Euroflorist website on a phone screen

Choose flower box

Choose which bouquet you want. Fill in your phone number, name, address and what day you want the box to be delivered. Don't forget to write a personal greeting if you are sending the flowers to someone other than yourself.


Wrapped bouquet in a cardboard box

The bouquet is delivered

The flowers are packed in a beautiful gift box and sent home to the recipient. You don't have to be at home to receive the flower box. The flower box is delivered with Gordon between 16.00 and 22.00. We deliver Mon-Fri.


A hand arranging flowers

Enjoy your flowers

Open the flower box and enjoy the sight of the beautiful flowers. Cut an incision in the stems and place the flowers in a beautiful vase. Enjoy the bouquet's color and fragrance.

With a flower box from Euroflorist you get:

Cartoon of delivery van

Safe and easy delivery

You don't have to be at home to receive the flower box.

Cartoon outline of a flower

Affordable flowers

Each week there are several varieties of reasonably priced plants and flowers to choose from.


Outline of a heart

Environmentally friendly box

The flowers are delivered in a box that can be both reused and recycled.