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The daffodil

The daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) is one of our most popular Easter flowers and a beautiful sign of spring. In the language of flowers, the daffodil has two meanings. It can mean "I love but not you", but it can also mean "my pride".
The family name Narcissus is said to come from the Greek youth Narcissus. (In Norwegian often called Narkissos). After rejecting several young women, he was condemned to love his own reflection. The impossible love caused Narcissus to fade away and soon it sprouted at the place where he died. The flower was named Narcissus.

Do you like daffodils and want to see more? Easter flowers ? Of course we have!

Or are you more curious about Spring flowers ?

For those who want to know more about the daffodil

Daffodils are available both as bulbous plants and in bundles. Since they can withstand some sub-zero temperatures, it can be set out in early spring. The bulbs are robust, so they thrive in both sun and partial shade. Allow them to wither down when they have finished blooming. They are welcome to be set out - just make sure that the telephone in the ground has been disconnected. They can stand there for many years - and become an early sign of spring for you and your family.

The daffodil is a bulbous plant that is a popular spring flower and synonymous with Easter. Part of the amaryllis family, it has a unique shape with trumpet-like flowers atop tall stems.

Here are some facts about daffodils:

Origin : The daffodil originates from the Mediterranean region, but has spread throughout the world and is now cultivated in many different climates.

Symbolism : Daffodils symbolize renewal, hope and rebirth due to their ability to return each spring. They are also a symbol of Easter and the Christian faith.

Name: The daffodil's name comes from the word "paska", which means Easter in Greek.

Types: There are over 100 different types of daffodils, including trumpet lilies, dwarf lilies and multifloral lilies.

Color : Daffodils come in a variety of colors, including yellow, white, orange, and pink.

Care: Daffodils thrive best in sunny or semi-shaded locations and need well-drained soil. They can bloom for several weeks, but often need water to stay healthy.

Use: Daffodils are often used as ornamental plants, but can also have medicinal uses. It is said that daffodils can be used to treat skin diseases and have antibacterial properties.

Culture: Daffodils are an important part of Easter traditions in many countries around the world. In the UK, it is common to give daffodils as gifts, while in Germany and other parts of Europe, daffodils are used to decorate churches and homes.

Season : Daffodils usually bloom between March and May, depending on where in the world they are grown.

Endurance : Daffodils can survive for years if properly cared for. They do best if they are allowed to rest and recover from flowering before being replanted in the garden.

Daffodils are a beautiful and symbolic spring flower that is a valued part of Easter traditions around the world. With the right care, daffodils can bloom for several weeks and spread joy and hope during spring and Easter.