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Guide to the care of houseplants

Plants are both decorative and can act as air purifiers in your home. Do you want to enjoy them for a long time? Follow these few simple grooming tips. Looking for new favourites? Check out our lovely plant category.

Plants need light

As a general rule, flowering plants require more light than green plants. You should still always ask the florist or read the instructions on the plant itself. Flowering plants should be placed near a window, while green plants should not be placed in direct sunlight. Most plants want natural light without direct sun. Plants grow against the sunlight, so it may be a good idea to turn it once in a while so that it grows harmoniously.

Plant pots on a windowsill

Watering as needed

All houseplants should be watered fairly regularly. It is therefore important to have a good watering routine. Follow the watering instructions on the plant's label. Water directly into the soil. Do not leave excess water in the pot for too long. A good rule of thumb is to pour out the excess water after about 30 minutes. Put the pot in a saucer so that neither water nor pot damage the furniture.

plants in pots stacked on a shelf

Transplantation - this is how you succeed

Whether you have bought the plant yourself, or received one as a gift, it is important that you let it acclimatise. Leave it in the pot for a while. Only after a few weeks can you replant it in a new and larger pot. You can replant approximately once a year, more often if the plant keeps falling over, or if the roots protrude from the bottom of the pot. If the plant appears to be thriving, annual replanting is not necessary.

Large hydrangea plant

Keep the plants healthy

Is your plant winter tired? It has probably gone dormant for a while, and then it does not need extra nourishment. But from April to September, your houseplant grows and needs a lot of nutrition. Remove wilted flowers and rotten leaves. Make sure the plant is not dusted down - it needs to breathe. It reduces the risk of diseases and pests.

plant in a pot on a shelf