Do you love Hyacinth's?

Did you know how the flower, hyacinth, got its name? According to Greek mythology, Hyakinthos was teaching the god Apollo how to throw a discus. Tragically, during the lesson, Hyakinthos was struck by the discus and died. Where his blood spilled onto the earth, flowers bloomed, and these came to be known as hyacinths, named in his honor.

What temperature?

Feel free to place the hyacinth in the refrigerator overnight, as this helps to mimic the cooler conditions of early spring. By doing so, you can extend the blooming period, allowing the flowers to last longer and stay vibrant for several more days.

How much water?

Water the plant at regular intervals to ensure the soil remains consistently moist, which is essential for healthy growth. If you notice the stem beginning to lean or droop to one side, gently support it by propping it up with a flower stick or stake. This will help the stem stay upright, allowing the plant to grow straight and showcase its blooms beautifully.



Place your hyacinth in a bright location, but be sure to keep it out of direct sunlight, as too much exposure can cause the blooms to fade quickly. Thankfully, in many places in Norway, the limited daylight makes direct sunlight less of an issue. Hyacinths can thrive beautifully when positioned near a window or even set further into the room, as long as they receive plenty of indirect light. This flexibility makes them a great addition to various indoor spaces.

Give the Hyacinth a long life

Should your Hyacinth continue to flower too early, you can stop the flowering by putting the plant in the fridge Keep the soil moist and then out at room temperature when you want it to flower. It can be kept in the fridge for several weeks.

Potted hyacinths outside

Strong scent

Hyacinths are known for their strong, sweet fragrance, which, while pleasant to many, can pose challenges for allergy sufferers or those sensitive to strong scents. If you or someone in your home is sensitive, consider opting for white hyacinth varieties, as they tend to have a much milder and less overpowering scent compared to the more fragrant pink, purple, or blue varieties. This makes the white hyacinth a more suitable choice for those who still want to enjoy the beauty of these flowers without the intensity of their aroma.

Are they poisonous?

These plants have irritating sap. Contact Poison Information on 22 59 13 00 (24-hour telephone) if your child has eaten large quantities.

Hyacinths in a pot

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